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Caccavale Pronunciation

Italian Accent:

American Accent:

British Accent:

Phonetic Spelling

UK: /ˈkæk.kə.vɑːl/ (KAK-kuh-vahl)
US: /ˈkæk.kə.veɪl/ (KAK-kuh-vayl)


Caccavale: A surname of Italian origin, traditionally associated with southern Italy. It does not have a specific meaning but is likely linked to geographical or occupational roots.


  1. The Caccavale family has deep roots in southern Italy.
  2. A famous chef with the surname Caccavale is known for their traditional Italian recipes.


There are no synonyms for proper names.


Proper names do not have antonyms.


Caccavale is of Italian origin, potentially derived from regional dialects or place names. It may also be linked to occupations or family trades in historical Italy.

Common Mispronunciations

  • Incorrect: kuh-KAH-vuhl
  • Incorrect: kak-CAH-vah-lee
  • Correct: KAK-kuh-vahl or KAK-kuh-vayl

Usage Tips

  • When using or discussing the name Caccavale, be mindful of regional variations in pronunciation.
  • It is often tied to Italian heritage or cultural references.

Word Family

There are no common derivatives as it is a proper noun.

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